Sunday, 28 April 2013

Kekunci Dikotomi bagi Ciri-ciri Haiwan


Matapelajaran : Dunia Sains dan Teknologi Tahun 3
Standard Pembelajaran : 3.1.2 Mengelaskan haiwan berdasarkan ciri yang dipilih.

Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia telah memperkenalkan sistem pendidikan yang baru iaitu Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR). Matlamat KSSR bagi matapelajaran Dunia Sains dan Teknologi adalah untuk menanam minat dan mengembangkan kreativiti murid melalui pengalaman dan penyiasatam ilmu sains, kemahiran saintifik dan kemahiran berfikir serta sikap saintifik dan nilai murni. 

And so...I highlighted the point "mengembangkan kreativiti murid". So why not teach my pupils kekunci dikotomi instead of using the typical classification? :3 

For those who are teaching Dunia Sains dan Teknologi (KSSR) for Year 3, I hope this can help you.

The fun part..

Where is the fun part you asked? Well first, I would like to take this opportunity to thank to my mentor for 5 years, Miss K. She always stressed that teaching science has to be fun or else pupils would put in their mind that science is boring and difficult to understand. Now, it is like a habit to think at least one cool activity in my lesson. So I added a little twist..(just a little) in my teaching and learning activity. 

p/s : This activity is good for restructuring of ideas phase.

Treasure Hunt

Step 1 :
Prepare a kekunci dikotomi. (For your own guide). This is what I came up with just now. If you do not like it, you can do your own. ^^

*So this is what I had made. Pardon me if it is not that good and useful. 

Step 2:
You have to prepare a blank template for your pupils. Since my pupils are 9 year-olds, just the animals' name are going to be blank.

Step 3:
Make a small name card for each animals. Print out in different coloured papers. (easy for the kids to identify their groups name card)

Step 4 :
Hide the name cards anywhere within the school compound. (It's better not to hide it in difficult places or it will take too long for the children to find it)

Step 4 (during lesson) :
Divide them into groups. (Best if 4 members in a group) You can name their groups by colours.

Step 5:
Explain the rules of the game. Mine is simple :)
1. Don't take other groups' name card. (Identified by the coloured paper) e.g Red Group MUST NOT take papers that are NOT RED.

2. You have to be back in 20 minutes (for example) to complete the DICHOTOMY KEYS. (This is when the dichotomy keys play its part :3 ) YOu have to set the time or else they will waste their time just running around.

3. You have to complete the dichotomy keys before (time). So the fastest group to collect all the 'treasure' have more time to check their answers.

4. The group that anwers correctly are the winner. ^^ (so that pupils will not just simply complete it without thinking the correct answer)and also for reinforcement :3

Step 6 :
Discuss the answer.

The end... that's just about it. You can do some adjustments or improve it. ^^

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